Jan 2020 Status Update

The day has come: I have gone into business for myself!

Yes, it’s true; though I’m keeping my work under wraps until I have something I’m prepared to announce to the world. Nevertheless, I want everyone to know that I’m doing well and fueled by passion for my new venture.

As for projects I’ve mentioned in the past, some are still in the works, some are on hold indefinitely, and some will re-emerge in a new form at a later time. In any case, I’m transitioning away from using this website as a portfolio, so you will likely be hearing the news about such projects elsewhere.

In fact, this may be my last update on KalebGrace.com, so I want to thank you for visiting my site and keeping up with my progress all these years! =}


P.S. If you wish to contact me, please send me a message on LinkedIn.

Second Shot — Game in Development

2015-12-03e Logo HQ [LH, KG]

Second Shot is a fantasy shoot-em-up adventure game in development by my personal studio, Spectrum Nox Media. I serve as the game’s producer and programmer, and I have a small team of friends helping me work on it. Last month, we had a successful presentation of a Second Shot prototype of at MIVS (MAGFest Indie Videogame Showcase). We had so many people wanting to play it, we had a challenge just finding a way to let everyone get a turn! It was a blast connecting with gamers and getting their feedback on the game.

Visit the website to learn more, and follow Second Shot (#SecondShotGame) on social media to keep up to date!

Circa 2012: Demos & Singles

Circa 2012: Demos & Singles is a selection of unfinished tracks written circa 2012, as well as some finished tracks that were born around that time. Most of this music was created for projects that never came to fruition. I had planned to continue work on the unfinished business, but it is now the end of the road for most of these pieces. This album is not the peak of my music production abilities, but I had fun writing these melodies, and hopefully you will enjoy listening to them. Feedback and critiques are appreciated. =}

Continue reading “Circa 2012: Demos & Singles”

Kaleb Grace “Going Pro” in Post Magazine Article

Kaleb (Post UEMP)

Post Magazine recently published an article about me titled Going Pro: Programmer Kaleb Grace. The article summarizes my education and life after high school, and explores the connection between my work as a software engineer and a video game music composer. I am grateful to Post Magazine and Cogswell College for the spotlight on my career thus far!

Continue reading “Kaleb Grace “Going Pro” in Post Magazine Article”

Kali Yuga Time Machine by Speed of Sound

Kali Yuga Time Machine by Speed of Sound
Kali Yuga Time Machine by Speed of Sound
(art by Frankie Perez)

Kali Yuga Time Machine, the latest album by experimental artist group Speed of Sound, went on sale earlier this year. While Navagraha focused my energy into a single track, Kali Yuga allowed me to act in a team-oriented role, contributing to multiple tracks both as a composer and a performer. Head on over to Bandcamp and listen to the entire album for free! Also, check out the page on Cogswell College’s website to learn more about Speed of Sound.