Kaleb's Unity Music Manager (JavaScript)

Hi Everyone,

A couple of you have asked for the source code of my Unity Music Manager, so I've supplied it here with a "CC BY 3.0" license. This means it's free to use for any purpose, as long as I am given credit when it's directly implemented or distributed (see the "Additional Info" section below). Alternatively, you may simply use the source as reference, and write your own code with some of the same principles in mind. I hope you find these scripts to be useful, however I provide no warranties or support. If you have questions about specific rights or limitations, please contact me.


UPDATE (2013-09-19): I forgot to include the audio channel & audio source setup steps in the documentation. It has been added to the README.txt file in a section titled "Setting up the AudioMusicManager's Channels". Please download the source package again to get the updated README documentation. My apologies for the inconvenience.

Kaleb's Unity Music Manager (JavaScript) [SOURCE]

This ZIP file contains the following documents:

  1. KG_AudioMusicManager.js: The script that contains the actual music manager. One instance per scene.
  2. KG_AudioMusicTrigger.js: The script that is used to trigger the music manager. Multiple instances per scene.
  3. README.txt: Text document that tells you how this all works.

Additional info

If you find these scripts useful, please consider donating some spare change to me. Any amount would be greatly appreciated and would allow me to create/share more things of this sort!

Creative Commons License
Kaleb's Unity Music Manager (JavaScript) by Kaleb Grace is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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